Bug in Add Instance on Mobile: Instances Disappear Visually


Issue Description:
In Unreal Engine 5.4, when using Add Instance in an Instanced Static Mesh Component on mobile, previously added instances disappear visually when a new instance is added after a short delay, although they still exist with collision.

:pushpin: This issue only occurs on mobile; it works fine in the editor.

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Steps to Reproduce

:hammer_and_wrench: Steps to Reproduce:
:one: Create an Instanced Static Mesh Component in an Actor Blueprint.
:two: Add an instance using Add Instance.
:three: Wait 1 second (Delay).
:four: Add another instance.
:five: Result: The previously added instance disappears visually but still has collision.
:six: If all instances are added without a delay, they remain visible.

Expected Result

:dart: Expected Result:
Previously added instances should not disappear visually when a new one is added after a delay on mobile.

Observed Result

Observed Result:
When adding an instance using Add Instance, it is correctly created and visible.
If a new instance is added immediately, both instances remain visible.
However, if a new instance is added after a short delay (e.g., 1 second), the previously added instance disappears visually but still exists (it retains collision).
The issue only occurs on mobile and not in the editor.


:white_check_mark: Android Mobile (tested on multiple devices).