Hi, i want to hide my head from the mesh but let it cast shadow. If i use Hide bone by name and type in ‘‘head’’ it will indeed hide it but it doesn’t cast shadow. I hace checked ‘‘Hidden shadow’’ but no difference. Is it a bug or do i need something else to do?
From what I see in 4.13 this isn’t a bug.
I used the 3rd person mesh as an example. Select the mesh and set Lighting > Hidden Shadow to true and Rendering > Mesh > Visible to False.
If you’re looking to use a single mesh and only have certain parts of it visible this is a completely different issue that requires a completely different setup using materials to control by disabling shadowing for the material elements or using a separate mesh that is just the head that has the settings above enabled.
Hi Tim,
I tested out using two different meshes, I just disabled shadows for the visible one and enabled hidden shadows from the invisible one, and it seems to work fine. Is this performance expensive? Any drawbacks you can think of?