I have this kind of variable:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Sequence, meta=(AllowedClasses="LevelSequence"))
FStringAssetReference LevelSequence;
Before working with that I checking this is that not null
if (LevelSequence.IsValid())
This returns TRUE. After that I can’t resolve that variable! I tried all of this this:
LevelSequence = Cast<ULevelSequence>(LevelSequence.ResolveObject());
SequenceActor = Cast<ALevelSequenceActor>(LevelSequence.ResolveObject());
UObject* obj = Cast<UObject>(LevelSequence.ResolveObject());
And all of this returns nullptr! What am I doing wrong? I checked LevelSequenceActor.h (he use FStringAssetReference too) and there is code the same and worked fine. Why it doesn’t work for me?