[BUG Discussion] Chaos Destruction Cache Common Issues in 5.1.1, not test in 5.2 and 5.3

The following issue apply when working in a linear production pipeline which involves movie render queue and sequencer usage. As it’s runtime behavior is consistent i believe this applies for game as well when cache is involved.

Always make sure you are not in sequencer when you save your level, it makes timeline key and actual time playback in cache desync with the offset that you save it on. In my case if i save on sequencer timeline and it’s sitting on 0.1, after that i will always be deviated by 0.1.
Geometry Collection and Chaos Destruction Cache Bug 5.1.1, yet to be tested in 5.2 and 5.3:

  1. Cached Manager Actor cannot be deleted or re-added from the level once cache is complete, both GC and Cache Manager cannot be spawnable.
  2. Geometry Cache will need to be deleted if bug occurs and re-added, Cache Manager will need to be re-created, simulation need to be re-done.
  3. Play mode can sometime ignore Sequencer Timeline command: Use Static Pose in Cached Manager instead. Saving on a none-zero timing in sequencer breaks playmode of cache manager making it unresponsive to sequencer timing changing in play mode and will always play on awake.