Okay so Ive been having this crash regularly and have been reporting it using the crash reporter but I thought I should post it. What happens is I compile in C++, compile in Rocket, then attempt to open the blueprint, its possible this is associated with moving the .h and .cpp to public from private. Anyway upon opening the blueprint rocket proceeds to crash and tells me it cant find the object, in this case it was my PlayerController because I opened MyCharacter blueprint.
I open Rocket, hit Compile again and it works. Making the workflow like UDK.
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your report. In order to further investigate the cause of the crash, could you please provide me with the .log file in your [project]/Saved/Logs folder from when this occurred? Also, if you give me the name of your project it will help me find the crash reports you have entered.
Current Project is Castor6 and obviously dumps are just renamed so I could upload em.
Thank you for that information, I am compiling it into a report for the developers. I was wondering if this is an issue that is project specific or if you could recreate it using the same code in a new project? That could help us narrow down possible solutions until a proper fix can be integrated.
I did actually fill in the crash report correctly for what I was doing specifically at the time, I do keep a log on a notepad but only of issues not the repro steps so I’ll look into it.
LogActorComponent: UnregisterComponent: (/Engine/Transient.CharacterMovementComponent_2) Not registered. Aborting.
Error: Property size mismatch. Will not update class cGameMode (was 960, new 3312).
Error: Property size mismatch. Will not update class cMage (was 1264, new 1280).
LogWindows:Error: appError called: Failed to find object 'Class /Script/Castor6.cPlayerController'
LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
I can see here something is not going right so perhaps it was an issue with my structures or something related to the controller class itself. I dont actually keep backups of working code, only commits, if its broken it doesnt get committed as I cant debug the engine.
I’ll see if I can recreate it now.
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for these steps. There is one other piece of information that is being asked for the report; could you provide a screenshot of your expanded directory structure, either in VS or Windows Explorer?
Thank you for the directory structure you have posted, but this is not exactly what I had meant. I apologize for the confusion, I should have been more specific.
What I am requesting is an image of the directory structure of Source and the files contained within its folders, as that is where the issue is occurring. Could you post images of your Source, TextBug2 and Public folders so the developers can see the placement of your target and module files?
Thank you,
Its one of the templates, default FPS C++. I havent changed a thing except for what I have listed, there is no other content but default template content. I tested with a new project to duplicate it and ensure it wasnt limited to my project files!
I was able to recreate it twice, the projects I named TextBug and TextBug2, 2 being the 3rd successful crash replication. Why would it be limited to my file system? I only moved the *.h and *.cpp files as I said.
The error is crashing the engine not the compiler. You guys really need a larger upload limit if youre gonna ask for images of your templates, 10mb doesnt cut it.
If youre curious about why Im so reluctant to upload even though Im doing it is because we dont all have business connections, I get about 38KiB/s to a server all the way over in the US since Im not allowed to upload it anywhere more local… You’ll find it under my name on the FTP when it gets there.