[BUG] Cinematic Sequence Freezing After Stop Method


I’m working on a mechanic that uses a cinematic sequence device as a custom camera to look around. The problem is, the camera will sometimes freeze entirely after calling the Stop Method. I should note I’m doing this in Verse. Attached are two clips- one where the camera successfully stops for the player, the other where the camera becomes completely frozen. When this happens, the only way to restore the camera is to respawn. Any help would be appreciated!

Intended Effect (Player Camera is Restored)

Cinematic Freezing Bug ( I’ve verified that the stop method is successfully called with print statements)

Vouch same problem

@PiEqualsThree3 @2GHSamburskoy Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative