Brushify in UE5 Movie Render Queue

Hi everyone,

I am facing a performance issue when rendering with Movie Render Queue and the Brushify Natural Roads Pack. I set up a very simple scene with a relatively big terrain, directional light and a sequence to do some testing with Lumen : performance is still extremly impacted (when it doesn’t crash) while the scene still run very fine in editor and PIE (90fps).
So far, I identified that it’s the grass and rock meshes that overload performance. Solutions would be to disable procedural grass or reduce its density but this is not acceptable when trying to produce cinematic video. Something acceptable would be to keep foliage.ForceLOD -1 but I can’t manage to get it working via the console variables of MRQ … ?

I don’t understand what’s going on since it used to work fine in UE4.27. I guess DX12 and Lumen are responsible for this overload but that’s precisly the whole point to keep using Lumen…
I’m probably missing something but it looks like at the moment, Brushify isn’t usable to produce HQ cinematics via MRQ in UE5.

Would anyone get any advice that would keep both lumen and grass density for MRQ renders ? Hope Joe Garth get this message :wink:

Did you every find a solve for this issue Matmond? I am having same issues with Brushify Moorlands in 5.0. 4k landscape won’t render a single frame in MRQ before crashing.

I’m also having issues with Brushify. When I use their landscape material, neither landscape nor meshes will render in movie render queue. When I remove the Brushify material, everything renders. I’ve tried this with and without RVT.

Joe posted this on the Brushify website for future people looking down this thread -