Broken NPC Spawner - custom verse behevior

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



When attempting to use custom verse behavior for a NPC Character Definition, it will fail to validate when launching a session from the UEFN editor. See error below:

  • /Stranded100Rounds/Characters/Hexa/HEXA_NPC_Character_Def Illegal reference: /VerseDevices/_Verse/VNI/VerseDevices .
  • [AssetLog] /Stranded100Rounds/Characters/Hexa/HEXA_NPC_Character_Def : Illegally references asset /VerseDevices/_Verse/VNI/VerseDevices. . (FortValidator_IllegalReferences)

Steps to Reproduce

Create a new NPC Character Definition and set the behavior as a custom verse behavior file. Attempt to validate the character definition or just launch a session, then you will get the following error.

Expected Result

The NPC Character Definition would be valid and the session would successfully launch.

Observed Result

Fails to validate and launch session


UEFN, Verse, PC

I was able to isolate the issue. It is due to accessing a creative_device inside of the npc_behavior class.

Is there a reason why this has changed and is no longer possible? It really cuts down on the innovation that can happen with the npc_behavior class as now it is isolated from other verse classes that can be interacted with to create complex and innovative player experiences.

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I am getting the same error…

I hope this is a bug and not change intended, otherwise it will block my project… I need to access damage volumes, detection volumes, etc…


For get it work, put “Empty Behavior” inside the NPC Definition file

On the NPC Spawner, put your behavior on “NPC Behavior Script override”


Thanks for this work around; glad to have things functioning again.

Hopefully they resolve the complete issue so that it functions properly as intended with the NPC Character Definition.


The status of FORT-729257 incident has been moved from ‘In Testing’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’


The flip side of this bug is that NPCs without fully-populated Override Behavior scripts simply no longer spawn since 29.00 and 29.10.

(For example, if you previously used the canned “Guard” behavior as a starting point inside of a custom NPC Character Definiion, but lots of modifiers, and didn’t want to hand-code a Verse Override for every one of them… Those NPC simply don’t spawn at all since 29.00.)

Is there a target release for FORT-729257 by any chance?

I just checked on Xbox, and it does not appear to have made it into the latest hotfix. Custom NPCs assigned default behaviors are still not spawning.


FORT-729257 is confirmed to be fixed on PC and Xbox as of the public 29.30 release this week.

Confirmed two ways:

  1. new private build with the correct NPC with default Guard behavior, spawning correctly according to timer settings.
  2. The original previously-released public build (unchanged from the 28.x timeframe) also started spawning again.

Thanks Epic devs!