Bring back the UTPortal Actor from UDK/UE3

Over the past few days I have been searching around trying to develop a way to recreate the effect of UTPortals from UDK/UE3 in Unreal Engine 4. SceneCapture cameras that move relative to the player combined with render targets can be used to create a crude version of the effect, but are laggy and far from an optimal solution. Unfortunately, it does not seem possible to recreate the effect in a convincing/practical way without delay or resolution issues.

These actors allowed for a 3d projection of a different area of a level to be displayed on a plane. Projectiles, players and other objects were teleported between the portal planes. UTPortals were an extremely interesting feature which provided a wide range of options for level designers and artists alike, including impossible geometry and non-euclidean level architecture. For me personally, they are essential to the concept behind one of my projects and I was hoping that an improved version would be included in UE4, but to no avail. I have even considered returning to UDK just so I can access this feature. I have seen several other individuals attempt to recreate UTPortals in blueprint, but the result fails to hold up to the original.

For these reasons, I ask Epic to consider re-implementing a UTPortal-type feature into UE4. I’m sure that with the power of UE4, the UTPortal actor could be vastly improved upon, and would be a well-received future (re)addition to the engine.

Please bring back UTPortal actor

If a UT Portal type feature were added it would be useful in all sorts of amazing ways, the possibility’s of what you could do with a feature like this are endless.

Hi ,

Thank you for your request, we will take this into consideration.

This probably isn’t something we would add at the engine level, but would make a great sample! Thanks for the suggestion.

I say Unreal Tournament 4 needs this. Those portals were awesome back in 2000.

I have to second this request, it is definitely a feature I can use as the SceneCapture technique is a close approximation, but not close enough.

I third the request even as an example.

Also requesting this. I’m aware of some workaround methods but the problem is these really don’t hold up well in third person. Making a proper Portal Actor would involve certain core changes to how traces and lerps functioned (otherwise things like walking through a portal with active camera lag would be ludicrous-looking) as well as how lighting is baked, which can’t be realistically achieved without the work of Epic themselves… but it would be ENORMOUSLY useful to me.

I feel like a lot of people nowadays see requests for this kind of functionality as a play at making Portal clones, but the advantages to level designers are pretty diverse; looping maps, ease of fitting interior spaces into exterior buildings, etc.

Even if Epic is willing to let us “peak behind the curtain” in respect to how UTPortal was implemented in UDK, it would help a lot.

This is a really awesome feature !
I wonder why it has disappeared from the engine ?

I wonder why this awesome feature is not anymore part of the engine ? It is really fascinating.

I’d really benefit from having this feature in UE4… I hope they can add it in.

Yeah! Imagine the amazing “real mirror” technology we could create! It would be like … 1999! :smiley:

This is a really awesome feature !
I wonder why it has disappeared from the engine ?

Note that is UT… Portal, it feature made for Unreal Tournament

I guess it would help to make realistic mirrors for archvis. Also would love to see that feature inside UE4. Or any examples, that will show, how to make such effect, because it is impossible to make this with render targets, as they capture image from one point, but you need to project it on a plane.

Yeah! Imagine the amazing “real mirror” technology we could create! It would be like … 1999! :smiley:

Just in proper time. :slight_smile:

I love this portal cube

I also request this.
An Example would be awesome too.

How would they be able to make an example without implementing it?

I believe they used the stencil buffer in UDK to render (from a separate camera) to a part of the screen covered by a portal polygon, same technique that was used by Valve. UE4 uses a deferred renderer, whereas UDK used a forward renderer. I’m not sure how this complicates things, but that might be the reason why it was not included.

Be that as it may, I too would like to see this awesome feature in UE4, so here’s my vote :slight_smile: