Bring back the UTPortal Actor from UDK/UE3

Working on this right now for those interested, we’ve got a pretty rad solution - I’m just trying to get in touch with the chap who originally put it together to see if he’s happy with us sharing it.

It’s not an Engine-Level change unless you want to do it in VR, I’ll try and document that too if I can.

working on this right now for those interested, we’ve got a pretty rad solution - i’m just trying to get in touch with the chap who originally put it together to see if he’s happy with us sharing it.

Yes Please Share Now!

Very excited about this.

Can’t wait to see this in UE4

I’ve got a (mostly) working version of this going with SceneCaptures, what’s trickiest about it isn’t the rendering, it’s collision information. An object can only occupy one space so if half of it should exist across the portal, it becomes incorrectly defined. For showing this, it’s not a big deal (you can use some depth fade tricks to keep objects from clipping into the portal) but trying to get traces or overlaps to register is a nightmare, and a lot of particle effects can’t be transformed by the portal itself when certain particles cross the boundary (animtrails are a glaring example of where the world coordinate disconnect becomes a real issue).

So rendering portals, that’s not the killer element here; what I’m really interested in is seeing how alternate solutions handle collision of objects across the portal plane

Please bring back this feature! It would be unbelievably useful for certain VR teleporting mechanics. Look at the VR game Budget Cuts for example, that mechanic of portal-teleporting around has a lot of potential uses for VR games, and it would be nice if we could create this effect, in such a smooth way in ue4. Current workarounds are not really suitable/ideal for VR.

I hope Epic does release a good portal solution at some point. I think it’s a necessary with all the VR support the engine is receiving. Users have an expectation to magically teleport around virtual environments in a way the would expect. It’s be great to know what the standard for this should be for those of us who aren’t devs.

Something about Sphere Reflection Capture and Level Streaming?

Has anyone ever thought of something like a [FONT=Arial Black]SphereReflectionCapture and a link in the material editor in a [FONT=Arial Black]World Composition scenario

Perhaps a kind of SphereReflectionCapture ([FONT=Arial Black]SphereSceneCapture) using an ID number that can be used as a Flag for specific material node linked in the metallic channel for a specific child material in a specific child portal class. lol^.^

[FONT=Arial Black]Level Streaming Example in Content Examples

In Content Examples I opened the examples for level streaming and I looked at the door reflection. From within a non-persistent map (third map), it was possible to observe all the other unloaded and occulted stream levels shown like an image reflected in the door material. ie. Using SphereReflectionCapture Is possible to observe from Within Stream Level3 all the other unloaded maps (1,2 and 4) reflected in door glass material.

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