Bright sprite on stage

Good evening everyone! I would like to ask, is it possible to fix a bright sprite on the stage? For some reason he’s bright on stage
Here’s a screenshot:

Thanks in advance for your answer! Have a nice evening! (Sorry for my English)

Hey @TheStad1_b09!

It will have to do with lighting!

Look at your lighting and see what is different on this stage vs other stages. Then open the sprite and another sprite in the level and see what is different.

If you can bring more information, like which sprite you’re talking about in the picture, and an example of what it should look like, that will help!

Don’t be afraid to post in English, and your native language! Google translate may help us bridge the gap! :slight_smile:

There are no light sources in my scene, the sprites look like I have bloom on

Hmm. Interesting, do you have any other scenes?

Also can you show what it looks like unlit?

I have another scene, but it is empty, I made it for the game menu.

I can show you tomorrow what the scene looks like without backlighting, only tomorrow, I’m just not on the PC right now

This is what it looks like without lighting:

And here’s what the sprites should look like:

Okay! So it’s definitely a lighting issue, because unlit it looks exactly like the sprite, but when showing lit it looks lighter- meaning there is a light or post-process effect somewhere. Can you show your world outliner list? There may be a light or two in there you need to delete! :slight_smile:

I wrote to you above that I don’t have any light sources. Yes, I have post processing, but I turned it off, and everything is the same. I would forget about it, but for me it’s an eyesore.


I believe you, it’s simply that not everything that creates light is an actual light! If there are no sources of light, then Lit and Unlit will look the exact same on a sprite.

Again, if you can show your world outliner list (I am assuming it isn’t a long list judging by the picture) we can at least look at it and see if there is anything.

Additionally- try deleting the post processing. If that doesn’t fix it you can use CTRL+Z to undo, I know they can be hard to set up with so many moving parts.

Other than that, we need more information to help you any further, which is why I am requesting a picture. :slight_smile:


It’s going to be something in that PostProcessVolume. Try deleting it completely. You can bring it back with CTRL+Z right after. If it changes to what you’re looking to get, you did it! If not, I’m thinking it could be auto-exposure.

To see if that’s it, select your PostProcessVolume and in the details section search “Brightness”. There will be a minimum brightness and maximum brightness variables, enable them and set them both to 1.0.

Then make sure the post process volume also encompasses your camera, or is set to Infinite (unbound) and give that a shot! :slight_smile:

Regardless, the problem has to lay with something the Post Process Volume is doing, OR something it can fix.

I already turned off the post process, but everything is the same

Yes, I know you said that before. But I am not asking you to turn it off, I am asking you to delete it, so the only things in your scene are your sprites. There is not a way to “Turn off” lighting. You can reduce the luminosity to 0 but it’s still ON, if that makes sense. Also when you run the game in the viewport anything that is hidden in the world outliner still shows up, it’s only hidden in the editor (that’s for when there’s 2000 things in the scene and you can’t see).

And what about overriding the auto-exposure?

In my project auto exposure is off

Try turning off auto exposure in Project Settings if you haven’t done so, and then set min and max brightness to 1 in PostProcessVolume!

Keep in mind, Post Process Volume is an effect that happens AFTER render. It is for changing the scene, only things that are activated on the Post Process Volume affect anything. So in order for it to do anything, the box MUST be enabled! Otherwise it will use default settings which includes bloom and AntiAliasing etc.

Everything is still bright