I have a BP actor, a house, that is made up of static mesh components. I need to break it up into standalone static mesh actors, each with corresponding component from the BP actor I am breaking up. Basically I need to end up with the same house standing on the level, but instead of being one BP actor, it needs to be made of many static meshes (however many components original BP actor has).
I couldn’t find a way to make it happen out of the box, so I made a BP code in the graph inside of that BP Actor (not in Construction script). It’s working, but not really:
What happens is I end up with what I want, as seen in the video. However, static mesh components inside static mesh actors are empty. So when I save the level and reload it, I have a bunch of empty static mesh actors and no house.
How do I make static mesh components to actually have static meshes assigned, so that when I reload level - everything is in place as it appears to be in the video ? Thanks
What are you trying to achieve?
You want to split the House actor (composed by a bunch of static mesh components), but you want to do that on gameplay, right?
You need each part of the house to be an independent actor?
you actually can spawn actors in the scene and you can ADD static mesh components to actors…
you can make a HOUSE_PART_BP actor with a single empty static mesh inside and from the house BP you can get all your static mesh components (root–>get all childs?) and then a for loop and for each static mesh you spawn a housePartBP actor and copy the mesh of the static mesh component of the loop into the static mesh component of the spawned actor… you follow me?
No no, I need to do it in the Editor. Nothing needs to be done in runtime.
That’s what my BP code does. Except somehow when I select resulting static mesh actors, they have no mesh assegned. I know it sounds bizarre, but while I can see mesh in the viewport, it’s None in the Details panel. So after I save/reload level, there is nothing showing on the level.
I … literally posted my BP code that works, and yet somehow I end up with empty mesh component (at least in the Detail panel). So this is what I need to fix.
I see what you did there… For Set Static Mesh node, I use actor itself as a target and not actor’s static mesh component I will check this out after I get off work, thanks.
I just looked at your video and it’s not quite what I need. You end up with a bunch of standalone BP actors, each containing one mesh of that BP-house.
I need to end up with Static Mesh Actors, as if you dragged them from Content Browser and dropped them into the level. On the level, they won’t be BP actors, they would be Static Mesh Actors.
I’d appreciate seeing Editor Utility blueprint. I’ve never made one and I can’t seem to find any comprehensive training materials about using it
I’m new to Unreal Engine. I will be very grateful to you if you can tell me how you got the Set Myloop Component and Set NewActor Component nodes?
I watched the video and tried to make a similar function myself, but I don’t understand how to call these nodes.