I am experiencing the most vexing problem. Every tutorial you see posted basically says the same thing when trying to make audio work across levels - make a custom game instance and store the audio component there. And this works… until you do it in c++
The blueprint nodes above work. I call the Test A Song
event in the character blueprint, then swap the level and it persists. Perfect, now we know it works. Time to implement it into our c++ systems…
So inside of our header we go:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Music")
void PlaySong(USoundCue* song, float startTime = 0.0f);
UAudioComponent* AudioComponent;
And in the code file we go:
void UCustomGameInstance::PlaySong(USoundCue* song, float startTime /*= 0.0f*/)
AudioComponent = UGameplayStatics::CreateSound2D(GetWorld(), song, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, nullptr, true, true);
This should fundamentally be the same thing, yet, when we change levels, the audio no longer persists like it’s blueprint counterpart. Am I missing something here?