BP spawned foliage disappearing at certain angles

I have created a blueprint with several things in it, one of which is a grass spawner.

This works perfectly. I was able to place a lot of Blueprints that move around my level and that worked fine, but I needed different positional configurations so I added them all to a sequence, then I keyframed each position. Then I duplicated the sequence and moved them around to the other configurations… Which was fine until I noticed that when I switch to another sequence the grass does not spawn at certain angles.

It’s really wired, if I move the camera around it will spawn, but a certain angles and distances it disappears in square patches…

Whats really odd is that it only happens to the grass, even though the plants, rocks and trees use the exact same set up to spawn in…

I need to render these scenes out but I need the grass to spawn, any ideas?

you try making bigger bound scales?

In the end i had to just duplicate the sequences and keep to positions seperate, using subsequences seemed to be the issue