BP interface is not working trough AI Controller

Hello So recently i was working on a small project where i needed some stealth mechanics so i started with simple thing like volume for Foliage where AI wouldn’t see you and so i Created Interface for that so why that code down below won’t work? its just doing nothing


(-) Is the second image from the player controller that you use? So does the player controller implement the interface?

(-) Did you try to do a print directly after the “OnComponentBeginOverlap” in your first image, so did you check whether or not that is even triggered?

Are you sure that your AI controller was added to your enemy character?

If you are using the same character for player and enemies, then you must add your AI controller class to the Game Mode.

If you use different blueprints for the player and enemies, then add your AI controller to the character’s Class Defaults.

Hello NaBuru38! Mate, how does it work?
“If you are using the same character for player and enemies, then you must add your AI controller class to the Game Mode.”
That’s exactly my case now, how can I add My AI Controller to the Game Mode? Cheers!