Hi all I’m still new to blueprints so please excuse a potentially silly question. I’m having trouble getting a custom event to trigger. I’m able to get the first BP to trigger without issue but I can’t get it to trigger a referenced actor custom event. Any suggestions?
you have the reference variable set right? if your getting the event look to fire and the reference is properly set then ther isnt really a reason why it shouldnt call the event on the other actor. try disconnecting the destroy actor while testing that may help.
Thanks for the reply.
I believe it is set right but might be missing something. The variable is public and the type is set as the object reference for the target BP with instance editable ticked.
I managed to get the event to fire using casting, though I’m still unsure as to why the reference didn’t work. For anyone interested here is how I got it to work. I have a new issue now where I can’t get the custom event to change a variable link[here][1] for anyone willing to help.
As mentioned, looks like your BP_Doorinterior1 isn’t being set. When you have it as instance editable, do you set the variable when it is placed in the editor?
You can do an IsValid node from the door interior blueprint and print out if it is valid or not before performing the action. If it is invalid then it isn’t being set. At the moment, you are basically getting every interior door and the first one in the array. If you end up having multiple doors, it is not always guaranteed that the first one in the array will be the door you want to open so what you have there isn’t really correct.