I am stuck with very strange behavior with UE4.
Steps to reproduce
Create blank C++ project
Create blank plugin
Create c++ class in plugin derived from actor component
Create BP class dervied from class from third step.
Add third person C++ feature
Attach component from step 4 to ThirdPersonCharacter BP
Save and exit
After next load, UE show error message with lines like “Failed to load /Script/DummyPlugin.DummyActorComponent Referenced by SCS_Node_1”, component missed from ThirdPersonCharacter, and, that’s the strangest, Actor Component BP lost its parent.
Is it a bug? Maybe I missed something?
I also ran into the same problem: in a project, I enabled the Cable plugin and implemented a Blueprint inherited from cableActor, which lost its parent class the next time I opened the project. Has anyone solved this problem?