BP: 'Add Component' for Child of Actor Component node reverting from Class to generic 'Add Component' node

  1. I have a relatively simple set up of actorComponents called BehaviorNode’
  2. I have about 7children of the ‘behaviorNode’, one of which is ‘projectileFire’.
  3. I have children of ‘projectileFire’ called FireOnce, FireLoop, andFireConstant.

In order to add these actorComponents to actors (altering their behavior), I have a branch tree of IF/ELSE. It’s pretty basic. All of the nodes EXCEPT the projectileFire children work perfectly. The blueprints themselves work fine, but I find that seemingly randomly the blueprint that contains this tree will replace the 3 fire nodes with a generic ‘Add Component’, and an error with no content. I can copy+paste the node and it pastes fine but refreshing the node itself does nothing and I still don’t know why it breaks.


Can anyone help me? Is this a known bug?

bump. Any info on how to resolve or circumvent this?