Boss enemy get attack target distance for do another attack

Hi I am doing a boss for my game, but I am stuck on the behaviour tree.
What I want to do is: If the boss is far enough to attack the target (example 2mt distance) his gonna start the attack. Right now he is it’s just attacking while he is next to me.

Does anyone have an information about it?

Hey @EmirhanOnuk! Welcome to the forums!

With the information you’ve given, I can suggest extending the 200 unit distance- when determining distance, it draws from the origin and seeks the other actor. So depending on how large the boss is, you have to add more distance to accomodate.

For any further help we need more information. You say he only attacks while he’s next to you- are you trying to make a ranged attack? Is the problem that it isn’t moving up to be within range?

If you need more assistance, let us know! :slight_smile: