Boost foliage draw distance

so i had pretty open terrain, and for that part that player wasnt supposed to go i made a plane a put a tree texture on it. but those trees dissapeared before 3d trees at same distance. and 3d trees were speed trees and eat a lot :confused: how can i boost tree drawing distance in foiliage tool? i tired CULL DISTANCE put it like 20000 but no effect

Iā€™d like to know this too. I have a scene with various foliage types - the trees (and there are lots of them) donā€™t cull - which is great, but my grass does at a very exact distance.

i think it has to do with material

Take a look at this thread: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?72172-Increasing-grass-culling-distance-beyond-foliage-tool-limit-Grass-stops-rendering-too-short :slight_smile: