Blurry trail on the object in front of another object that is moving?



I have this issue, when my door opens it kinda glitches through the wall, and make some kind of blurry trail…
I tried with other materials, with only texture to base, and nothing more, but the issue still persist.

I also disabled motion blur in the project settings, and tried changing the bound scale, but nothing helped…

I’m pretty lost to be honest, and tried googling a lot, but couldn’t find anything…

In the video you’ll see, that when I’m close enough it goes away, but as soon as the camera goes further away, it starts again.

I have no idea what’s going on…

Thank you in advance

Sincerely, Matias

I thing you are searching for Anti-Aliasing. You can change the scalability level
You can find a lot of details about these things, in the official documentation here:

Wall is 20cm, and door is only 7.8125cm.
And the door is dead center…

Is it just too wide for the frame?

I just figured out it was the tesselation.
Disabled it, and now it looks good again.

the material on your wall might be translucent or something, try using WorldGridMaterial on the wall and see if it still has that effect

I figured it out myself.
It was tessellation. Apparently tessellation is a no go for moving objects.