Are you running the editor on high settings? You can increase the pool size by entering this console command r.Streaming.PoolSize followed by the size of the pool you’d like or r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM.
Hey guys, recently downloaded 4.25 and have noticed a strange issue with materials where everything is super bugged even though there’s nothing in the scene? There’s a skysphere and this one asset and one material assigned to it, but I’m getting a texture streaming budget warning and as soon as I open an instance to try to adjust parameters everything gets super blurry. What’s the deal? This doesn’t happen on any of the older versions.
Is this a result of some texture streaming budget being set too low? How could that be the problem when there’s nothing in the scene yet? What is it drawing? I’ve had scenes with tons more stuff than this before and everything is crisp and looks fine. Dozens of materials with no problems. There’s just the one material on this object and the skysphere material.
Any help would be appreciate, everything I search for is related to MipMaps and not really the same symptom.
Hi MMMarcis, thanks for the reply
I am running the editor on “epic settings”. Increasing streaming poolsize doesn’t seem to work, and like I’ve mentioned, I’ve run other projects before with PoolSize 1000 with dozens of materials each drawing several 2k texture maps each without this problem - I’m concerned about performance. I’ve tested on 4.23 and it seems like this may be related to a marketplace asset, but I’m unsure because even after deleting that asset from the scene in 4.25, I still receive that error. It isn’t present in the scene for that screenshot, either. Very weird problem.