Hey all! I’m working on a scene currently using megascans assets, however the foliage is giving me a bit of trouble. As you can see in the gif posted below, the foliage is looking very dithered and overall not great. I was wondering if there may be something to do to sharpen it back up. Thanks!
This scene is using fully dynamic ray-traced lighting. Perhaps the ray-tracing could be causing this?
Hey, I don’t know if you have solved your problem, but for me it was the Temporal AA, on the grass it’s really blurry. I’ve changed for FXAA and with some adaptation I obtained better results.
Thanks so much for the reply! This is what I ended up doing to finish the scene, though I used console commands to change the Temporal Settings as FXAA was giving me some odd rendering artifacts. A link to the Temporal AA settings is posted below for anyone having similar issues. The values stated below were not quite right for my project, but at least it gave me a start. Thanks again!
r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight: 0.2
// You can almost eliminate ghosting
with 0.45, but you lose some temporal
r.TemporalAASamples: 4
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen: 1 // Somewhere
between 0.5 and 1.0 seems to be a
sweet spot.