Blur Material acts wired in VR

Hi !
I am trying to create an interactive widget with a semi-transparent, blurred panel behind it. Blurred screen inside of the Widget Creator doesn’t seem to work in VR so I tried to create a little workaround.

I’m having hard times with the material though. I’ll try my best to explain the issues.
I work in VR template
Placed a Menu Widget in front of the blurred screen
I created following material and applied it to the screen

It seems like it also blurrs the objects that are placed in front of the screen?

It kinda helped when I changed the Blend Mode from Masked to Translucent inside of the Widget3DPassTrough Material

But then a new problem occured. Depending on from where i look at the widget it can disappear (while using Transulcent Blend Mode)

And the last problem is that, while being in VR the pointer disappear but only on the background of the blurred screen.

Does anyone know how could i fix these problems? It seems like the material itself can be flawed.