BlueprintImplementableEvent not working


There is an event from which i want to write the functionality in Blueprint (just for simplicity and testing purposes).
A while ago i wrote the following code for this under the protected section in the .h file of my class

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "ItemWidget")
void ShowWidget(bool bShow) const;

Now i parented my blueprint to this class and everything worked fine. I was able to call the function as a custom event and write the functionality in the blueprint.

Then i stopped working on it for some days and now i stared it up again and i got an error in the blueprint that the custom event had the same name as a function in the parent class.
so i deleted it but now for some reason when i right click the event graph and search for the “ShowWidget” function it does not appear anymore.

Thanks in advance!

I would suggest to clean all solutions, and build all solutions again. Sometimes there is absolutely nothing wrong, and you just need to keep trying to build, until VS stop doing crazy alerts.

i have tried this multiple times, but it does not work :frowning:

Is the ‘ShowWidget’ in the base class also a UFUNCTION() and exposed to blueprints with any of the macros? Try changing the name of the one in the base class to see if it shows?