This issue is difficult to explain, especially since I’m fairly new to UE4. Basically, i have 2 classes, One class is a PickupActor, which contains an array of ItemBase. I have the ItemBase to be instanced, but whenever i set the value in the blueprint, and compile, the variable gets reset. Let me try to explain better with code snippets and pictures, Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
This is how i am setting the property to be edited in the PickupActor properties window.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Instanced)
TArray < class UItemBase* > ItemsToLoot;
This is the ItemBase class which im trying to create a new instance of in the PickupActor
UCLASS(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, EditInlineNew)
class INVENTORY_API UItemBase : public UObject
After further testing, it seems to be having issues with the TArray. If i set it up not as an array, but a single UItemBase, it compiles just fine. Only issue is i need it as an array.
I was able to reproduce this issue in version 4.6.1, but when I tried the same steps in our latest internal version of the Engine everything appeared to be working correctly. This issue will be fixed in a future release version of the Engine.
Can you tell me what changelist it was fixed in? My team is working off promoted from a week or so ago and really really don’t want to update to latest promoted. I’d like to cherry pick the changelist.
There was no ticket entered to track this issue. I thinkthis commit corrects this issue, but I am not 100% sure. If you could give it a try and let me know what results you see, that would be great.
It looks like the issue that is experiencing is slightly different from the issue posted by Shorteh. The original issue mentioned in this post has been corrected internally, but the issue being experienced by is ongoing. We are looking into that issue here.