Hi Everyone,
I’m scripting a simple player ready-up system in Blueprints, and for some reason the “playersReady” variable (stores the amount of players currently ready) is not updating on the clients.
I’m new to Unreal and Blueprints (coming from a Unity background) so any help is much appreciated!
First, in the Character Blueprint, input is checked to see when they press the ready-up key. If they press it, it executes an RPC on the server called “onPlayerReady.”
Then, the server will update the variable accordingly in the GameMode blueprint.
Here is the “playersReady” variable settings…
Finally, although this is probably not part of the problem, the UI is updated to show the current amount of players ready out of the total players connected.
^ I know I should not be updating the UI every tick, it’s just for testing right now.
From my testing, only the server can ready up, and the amount of players who are ready is not synced to the clients. Once again I’m new to all this Blueprint stuff, so I really appreciate any help that can be provided.