Blueprint to switch fog settings

I’m trying to set up a level with different asset and lighting for some quick testing. I realized that depending on the assets/env, I need to have different fog/sky light settings

I would like to create a global blue print where I would have a list of environment that I can select, and it would automatically switch to the correct fog/sky light setting. I don’t need to have it as a button or trigger box, I don’t even really need it to work in game, just in editor for some quick testing.

I’m not good at blueprint, if anyone has any idea or ressource i’d appreciate it. All I could find was different lighting scenario in game but I don’t want to create level. thanks!

It’s easier to make stuff appear in game than it is to make it appear in editor.

I’m not sure what you mean by

since it’s impossible to even use unreal without a level.

The easiest way to do something like this when just messing around with the concepts rather than an actual game is to use your level blueprint.

First select an object in your scene. In this case, I have SkyLight selected:

Second, open the level blueprint:

You can then right click anywhere on the graph and click “Create a Reference”
You can now do stuff with that component directly. Like so: