Blueprint tab is empty

I inherit a blueprint from my C++ class, add a static mesh for visible component, save blueprint. And after reopen the blueprint window is empty. Probably I do something wrong, but there’s no any errors in output log.

Really weird… Can you still access the views, from the menu bar ?

Edit : I meant “Window” instead of views

What views? When creating the blueprint all is fine. But after save+reopen this bp the result is on the picture. Save, compile buttons work, but no tab contents.

I mean creating and initial editing. During initial edit the window is full of stuff as usual.

I meant here :


By clicking on theses buttons, do the windows appear again ?

Sorry, this was a stupid question. I turned off all experimental blueprint plugins, restarted UEd and the window now looks normal.

Sorry, did not check this before I fixed the issue.

No problem :wink: That is a good news you fixed the issue.