Blueprint spawning help

This is my first time posting on here, so please tell me if I do something wrong, but I have no clue what to do here; I’ve been trying to fix this for the best part of a week.
Right, so I know there is already tons of answers on how to spawn blueprints; and I’ve been following most of them; although I cant seem to get anything to spawn. I am attempting to spawn certain brick patterns randomly as objects the the player character to jump over; although I haven’t implemented a death scenario yet.

BlockSpawner.cpp : BlockSpawner -

BlockSpawner.h : BlockSpawner.h -

UPDATE: I also got this warning when I recently opened up unreal, although it doesn’t make any sense since I copied the blueprint references into my code.

The Warning : Screenshot - 1d95db4d128a10e33e098b912c75cf76 - Gyazo


Try setting an owner.

   FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
	SpawnParams.Owner = GetOwner();
	SpawnParams.Instigator = nullptr;
	SpawnParams.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
	SpawnParams.bAllowDuringConstructionScript = true;
	SpawnParams.bDeferConstruction = true;

	MyItemClass* item = world->SpawnActor<MyItemClass>(iteminfo.ItemType, FVector::ZeroVector, FRotator::ZeroRotator, SpawnParams);
	item->FinishSpawning(FTransform::Identity, false);

Above is the way I do it. If nothing works, try spawning something simpler.

The warning you get seems to be the missing default constructors (default for unreal)

in .h

MyItemClass(const class FObjectInitializer& PCIP);

in .cpp

MyItemClass::MyItemClass(const class FObjectInitializer& PCIP) : Super(PCIP)

FObjectInitializer& PCIP is the secret sauce