Alright this is a weird one.
I don’t really know why this is happening but, a combination of delays, sequences & function calls cause the execution chain to mess up when nativizing my character blueprint. I’ve included a clean project where I’ve reproduced the issue.
Blueprint to check: Content/Code/Characters/BP_FirstPersonCharacter
How to perceive the issue: Press play, you should automatically possess the character. In order to execute the blueprint chain, press tab. This will trigger a “weapon switch” which includes delays, sequences & function calls. If you package without nativization you will see a series of print strings:
1: Weapon Switch Enter
2: Before Delay
3: Post Delay
4: Reset Switch
You will also be able to press tab repeatedly to see the print strings.
If you enable nativization(inclusive), the execution chain will halt between 2: Before Delay & 3: Post Delay.
Meaning if you press tab in a nativized build, you will only see:
1: Weapon Switch Enter
2: Before Delay
In this case, you will only be able to see these print strings once because the execution chain halts.
I may or may not have another example of this happening but I’m not sure yet. An example project is attached with the text
Also here’s a blueprintUE of the code for the curious: link text