" Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property None_ExecuteUbergraph_City6_RefProperty". Blueprint: City6 Function: Execute Ubergraph City 6 Graph: EventGraph Node: Play"

Whenever you get this error, just click the word on the far right-hand end of the error message. It will take you to the error node. Even if you think your code is ok, apparently, it is not… :wink:

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Hi. Im trying to render movie to a video and I’m getting;
“Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property None_ExecuteUbergraph_City6_RefProperty”. Blueprint: City6 Function: Execute Ubergraph City 6 Graph: EventGraph Node: Play”.

Can you please help me to fix that.

Thanks! The last node it took me to this. And I still dont know what to do :confused:

You had a reference to something in your level, and you have since removed or changed that actor. You need to make a new reference.

Just click on the matinee, then come back here, right click, and you’ll see a reference to it…

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Problem Solved!
Apparently in 4.25. when you want to have a Sequencer to render out a movie you have to choose the CineCameraActor from the Sequencer’s meny Camera symbol. Than you get a camera with a flash sign over it which its different than if you chose a CineCameraActor in another way and will not have that flash sign over it.