Whenever you get this error, just click the word on the far right-hand end of the error message. It will take you to the error node. Even if you think your code is ok, apparently, it is not…
Hi. Im trying to render movie to a video and I’m getting;
“Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property None_ExecuteUbergraph_City6_RefProperty”. Blueprint: City6 Function: Execute Ubergraph City 6 Graph: EventGraph Node: Play”.
Can you please help me to fix that.
You had a reference to something in your level, and you have since removed or changed that actor. You need to make a new reference.
Just click on the matinee, then come back here, right click, and you’ll see a reference to it…
Problem Solved!
Apparently in 4.25. when you want to have a Sequencer to render out a movie you have to choose the CineCameraActor from the Sequencer’s meny Camera symbol. Than you get a camera with a flash sign over it which its different than if you chose a CineCameraActor in another way and will not have that flash sign over it.