Hello guys,
I got a problem after I built my game. I have some references inside C++ classes to some blueprints I created. Here is one of the errors that is showed in the log file generated after I try to run the game:
Error: CDO Constructor (EnemySpawn): Failed to find Blueprint'/Game/Blueprints/Characters/CharBP_Enemy.CharBP_Enemy'
And the code line that refers to this blueprint is this:
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UBlueprint> EnemyBlueprint(TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/Blueprints/Characters/CharacterBlueprints/Ants/CharBP_Enemy.CharBP_Enemy'"));
As you can see in the name of the file (EnemySpawn), I use this blueprint reference to spawn characters. It works perfectly in Editor. I tried building the game on both Debug and Shipping settings and both crashed after I start the game. Isn’t this kind of referencing allowed? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!