Blueprint "Print String" not outputting to screen

Hello Dzuelu, Your issue could be different in nature to the issue on this thread, could you make a new thread for your issue?

Also happening to me in 4.15.1 when working with AI stuff :frowning:

I just got this bug, also working with AI stuff in 4.15. restarting did not fix.

Same, oddly enough. When I was working with AI. For some reason can’t bring it back up no matter what I do.

Hello AgentesinRebus,

Could you create a new thread for your issue? While your issue is producing the same result as this post, the underlying cause may be different.

Thank you!

Just got this bug as well working in an AI Controller using version 4.15.1, added my vote to the bug report:

I Solved this problem in Window>Reset Layout…

Vocês estão arrastando o ator para a tela do jogo?

Are you putting the actor in the screen editor game?

thanks, that did it for me as well in 4.18.3

Reset Layout is the way!

That did it only to have it broken again after I used Execute Console command: “Screenshot” in my blueprint. So maybe that is the source of the bug