Blueprint "Print String" not outputting to screen

We have QWERTZ keyboard layouts. As said, to access ’ (apostrophe) I need SHIFT+'. What bugs me: I cannot access GDT at all during gameplay, so that has a high severity for me! I don’t even know of any workaround to access GDT during gameplay, only simulation :frowning:

Have you checked the keybindings in your Editor Preferences menus? You should be able to reset the keybinding to access this there. There is a bug report in for keybindings on QWERTZ keyboards as well, UE-15466. You should be able to reset the keybinding to another key that does work until this is addressed, though as with the AZERTY keyboard bug report this has been listed as backlogged. I’m going to up the community interest on it to better reflect the number of developers this is currently affecting.

Thanks for your feedback, . Your idea of changing the keybinding for GDT sounds like a nice idea, but unfortunately I cannot find that specific setting in the editor preferences (only a lot of other keybindings, but not for GDT). Could you please be so kind and guide me into the right direction? Thanks!

Hi ,

You are correct. I had a look through the keybindings and couldn’t find a listing either. However, I did a bit of digging and found this:

Specifically, you can enter the console command “EnableGDT” to turn on GDT while playing your game. While it is a bit more cumbersome for now, I tested it and this does work so it should be a viable workaround until the QWERTZ keyboard binding bug is addressed.

Hi , thanks for the link. But does that really work for you? I have two issues with that approach. 1) No detail information is shown. It seem EnableGDT does just that, enabling the overlay. But where is the actual AI data? I only get the top info line telling me to use numpad keys for various options. 2) How to switch from one AI controller to another? By default one should use ’ key, but what if that key isn’t working?

Hey ,

It did work for me, though I didn’t check with more than one AI so unfortunately I don’t have that information on hand. I’ll try to get back around to this tomorrow to see if I can try to get it to switch between AI in the GDT, if I figure it out I’ll post here with the additional information.

I appreciate your feedback very much! But I am wondering, what have you done exactly in order to get that to work? I focus with my in-game (3rd person player) camera on an AI-controlled character that uses a behavior tree. Then I entered EnableGDT in the console, and the basic GDT “menu” appears on the top of the screen. Telling me what keys to press (like apostrophe and numpad keys). However, nothing else is shown at all, as if no character has been seletcted. When I open the GDT in simulation mode though and select and actor, then much more information is shown. Could you please elaborate on that? Thanks!

Hi ,

I see what you mean. I have been able to reproduce this error and have entered a bug report, UE-18548 to be assessed by the development staff. Unfortunately I don’t have any other viable workarounds at this point in time given the QWERTZ keyboard bug other than to utilize a QWERTY keyboard setup so you can use the ’ key.

Well, I am thankful for your reply. But frankly, that is not an option for me, we are bound to our local keyboards here… Since there is no workaround here, this is a very severe bug for me. What can I do in order to give it a higher priority on your end? For me currently that feature is not available at all :frowning:

At present all I can do is bump the community interest when additional developers report the same error. This isn’t a guarantee that it will get higher priority, but it does help to show that multiple developers are affected by the same bug.

I really do appreciate your feedback and support. Still, I am quite sorry to hear there is no other option, as I really need that feature and can’t use it right now. I hope you do support non US-developers as well!

This is still happening occasionally in 4.9. :frowning:

Activating and deactivating the Gameplay Debug is not working for me.

I am sure the Print String is getting hit, it’s displaying on the output log. It just won’t display on screen.

Restarting the editor is the only fix so far.

Edit: like the other people having this issue, my default (and only) keyboard layout is also non-English (it’s Portuguese - Brazil ABNT2).

And this also happens occasionally on students computers at the school I teach.

Also I can’t find a reliable way to reproduce this. It seems very random.

Is there anything in particular that occurs before or anything that is done before this starts occurring?

I was having this same issue for a while now and just stumbled across a way to get it to show. I turned on the FPS inside the editor (Ctrl+Shift+H) and the print screen then works. If i turn it off it then stop working again.
So I presume it is a bug where the FPS print turns off the print screen as well.
I’m also using 4.9.

Guys, it’s simple.
I solved my problem just by selecting the blueprint on the scene, then in the details panel, under input, changing “Auto Receive Input” to player 0.

Hope it helps you! o/

Got this bug today on 4.13.2

Yesterday was working fine, today I just opened the editor and no print to screen is working.

I second this. Going through the same with 4.13.2 . Print screen just disappeared out of nowhere, along with the possibility of debugging stuff :l

Hi sinspaw,

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report for it here. You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.

I’ve just had this bug happen to me in 4.15.0. I’m not sure what caused it but I was working in an AIController when it happened, not sure that helps though.

Dzuelu – I was also working on AI controller when this happened to me Seems like it’s a bug