Blueprint Ninja Challenge

I got 3 patches, I think that’s it?
When it said Swag Box I had the impression would be more than that hehe.
They’re cool tho!

@Thiago.Unreal We already know that there will be 2 packages. One with the 3 patches and a second one with the rest of the swag. Little bit higher here you can see a few photos.

I also got an email with an order number that shows this will be the patches which will clear out (making it easier) the customs problem in EU \o/

Thank you for being here and keeping us informed.


I saw after I commented. Sorry for the flood, my bad.

I received an email with a tracking link! waiting for the SWAG as well!

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I got an email with a tracking number as well.

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I haven’t recieved any tracking information

Look what I received on a Saturday afternoon! :smiley:
Wasn’t expecting it, but was a nice surprise to see that large USPS (United States Postal Service) bag stuffed in my mailbox.

My Unreal Engine “V” shirt is slightly different than @ConverseFox. But my shirts sizes are “XL” due to my broad shoulders while @ConverseFox is a size “M”. So they may be slightly different depending on size?

For those wondering, I live Texas and I didn’t receive an email “tracking number” though there is a USPS tracking number on the bag.

In any case, THANKS EPIC! I appreciate the SWAG! :+1:t5: :sparkling_heart:


Hello, so what are the two packages?
for the first one the patches ?
And the second package the tee-shirts, the gourd, pins,…
Is there another package? For me the patches are an envelope and as I’m not often at home, I’m afraid that the package will be returned to the Epic Games :sweat_smile:

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I got my badges around the same time as everyone else but I haven’t received an email or anything about a tracking code for the other one. I live in Ohio. It’s totally fine, because I always love free stuff, but I figured I’d at least provide an update. With all the supply chain stuff going on, it’s understandable that these things take awhile, and I’m just happy we got some communication on it.

Love UE and I am forever grateful to have such a powerful tool that I can use for free, learn for free, and get some swag that shows how much I love it. w00t <3

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Hello, I received an email to confirm the delivery of one of the packages (probably the one with the badges, because the package weighs only 0.03 LB according to the tracking link).

Except that I had to pay 6€ customs (4€ VAT and 2€ management fees), I thought that everything would be delivered free of charge? :thinking: (I’m from France)

I’m asking the question here, because I couldn’t find a support email. :sweat_smile:


My partner and I also received emails with tracking info. I noticed the tracking number itself says the word patches. And was glad to see our correct updated address, so all my worries are eased now. :slight_smile:

have you paid for customs or VAT to get it ?

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No. I live in NA (North America) and VAT doesn’t exist here in the US.

Epic is located in North Carolina; I live in Texas. Shipping from NC to TX is handled by the United State Postal Service. We don’t have to deal with Customs when shipping from one state to another.

I received notification from customs that something is sent on my way, and i have to prepare to pay some customs fees. Sender is named as “Professional Sound Images INC”. Is this related to Epic Games SWAG? I havent ordered anything from other countries.

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UK. Received my swag today, already received my badges.
Thankyou Epic


Have you idea about shipment in india ?

Hello :smile:
did you pay the VAT? or did you receive a message to pay the VAT?

Receivwd the rest of my swag today in the UK. No VAT

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Hi AJRD5 no vat was asked for.


strange, here is what I received for France, but not far from you :sweat_smile:
