When Cooking Content for Windows via its corresponding menu option with Blueprint Nativization enabled, the Log displays a warning:
BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun: WARNING: Project is configured for Blueprint nativization, but the conversion flag (-nativizeAssets) was omitted from the command line. No nativized assets have been built as a result.
But when I package my project, it uses the -nativizeAssets flag during cooking! I don’t think that this is intended behaviour. If I want to cook my content, I want to nativize Blueprints as well!
Hi. I also experience the same problem. It is reproducible always, even on tutorial projects.
The issue is simple:
When “Cook Content for Windows” is selected FMainFrameActionCallbacks::CookContent() function is called.
This function does not check PackagingSettings->BlueprintNativizationMethod and does not add “-nativizeAssets” option.
I don’t know if this is a mistake or by design…
“-nativizeAssets” option is added only in function FMainFrameActionCallbacks::PackageProject().
The warning is valid because we’re currently not nativizing during cooking however, we are going to enter a bug for this issue. The content will be cooked but it will not be nativized while using the ‘cooking content for Windows’. However, the blueprint nativization will cook when you package your project.
Now, it is 4.16.0,but it still miss -nativizeAssets when I use Cook Content for Windows, and I checked My project setting → Blueprint Nativization Method is Exclusive.