I’m getting the strangest run time error. In my scene, I have a pawn called Input
and all that it does to track user input. Inside Input
are bool variables for buttons that are toggled based on user input. I have another actor containing static mesh components that change color based on which button is pressed acting as lights. I made a variable in my MiddleConsole
blueprint, which is the actor containing the lights, as a reference to Input
, and selected the Input
actor in scene in the details window on my MiddleConsole
. During runtime, it says it accesses none from the Input
variable when getting the bools from it, but I’m still getting the proper bools I need to toggle my lights. I don’t understand what it means. Everything works as intended. I want a clean build without any log errors.
Did you select the input variable within your level or tried within the blueprint itself?
Because it must get the reference within the same level. In other words: The class you placed in your level needs to get the reference to the other class within the same level.
If you always only have one Input Actor in your level I would suggest though to just use on “Event Begin Play” to “GetAllActorsOfClass” and “Get 0” from the resulting array. Which will work in all levels as long as there is a Input actor within the level and therefore gets rid of this referencing stuff with near to no performance impact.
(Keep the variable input but set it on event begin play the way I explained)