Blueprint Inventory System

Its verry cool in the video but It doesn’t work for me In UE4.6.1 and UE4.7.1 … Both have a Compiler Error in the MyCharacter .

Hey! I can confirm this issue and have already contacted Epic about it. The content you have downloaded** IS NOT** the Blueprint Inventory System, and doesn’t look at all like it! Sorry about that again! I hope it’s fixed by the marketplace staff fast!

Hey again everyone! Finally the issue is fully resolved! Whoever bought it please download the normal version this time and enjoy!
Still working for 4.7, shouldn’t take much! Thanks a lot!

The update on 4.7 is finally ready! Sorry for the delay but we’ve hit some strange bug on 4.7 that was breaking a specific (even on re-make!!)
We’ve had to work around that so the loot tables are reworked!
Check more information on the website’s blog

I’ve already sent my files to Epic! I hope the new version will be uploaded on the marketplace without any major delay!!

Hello, i have question. Do you save items as actual item classes(remove the visibility and collision and just store a point to it in a 2d array) or as structures(destroy the item and store it as a struct and use the struct when creating the item later)? And one more, do you plan on adding mybe simple equipment system ?

Actually the items are stored in placeholder actors, so I remove the item actor completely and keep what is needed in these simple placeholders. This is done for performance issues and to keep everything cleaner in general. (Using actors is a decision I took since I come from an OO background and felt the placeholders needed some functions themselves, like split)
I believe that an equipment system is a bit too much to go along with an inventory system. I like keeping everything clean and adding several irrelevant features will render everything increasingly complex!
In any case it’s extremely easy to override the “use” function of your weapons for example to have some “attach to” nodes! I might add this as a simple example (to the already existing sword) in a future update!

Thnx for fast replay, this leans my choice towards your inventory even more. Only one more question, how would this object orintated placeholder system would work with msql database or any other database system? Would i still be able to store all information in DB or for this i need different Inventory setup ?

To tell you the truth I have not tried adding database support, since the marketplace does not currently support it! (No C++ code…)
But if your database supports saving actor variables (the ones that are replicated actually) then I don’t see why this will be a problem.
The things that need to be saved are: which placeholder belongs to what inventory (actually the inventory’s array list), the weights (if you use them) and from the placeholder save like 5-6 variables.

The version in the marketplace is still marked as incompatible with 4.7. If I order from the marketplace will I get access to an updated version that works with 4.7 or do I have to order from your site directly for the latest update. Speaking of updates I am a little unclear how they work on the marketplace. If I buy your System will I get access to future updates without repurchasing? (sorry if this is obvious to everyone else but I just want to get it clarified)

Hey! The system i offer in both the site and in the marketplace is the same, and I update both! The thing is that the marketplace has a* long queue* for updating. I have already sent them the update but they didn’t upload it yet. When it gets updated you **WILL **have access to the new versions! So even if you buy it now you will get the update as soon as it’s on the marketplace ( I hope soon !). Also I can offer direct download links for anyone who forwards me an epic receipt if he really is in a hurry!

Awesome thank you. :slight_smile: in that case I will be purchasing now.

Adding to my last question, i understand that you have placeholder system but I watched some tutorial to implement an inventory system and these had the Problem, that the Inventory-Entry basically was a pointer to the object in the world. That led to the problem that when the part of the world, where the item was located, is unloaded the item doesn´t work anymore. Is this gonna be a problem? We are using Composit worlds and Level streming so did you tested your inventory in these conditions? I know that if u save information in struct you can use it in all stremed levels, how is about placeholders?
So much questions from me but i really like to know all before i buy…

Hey! When I add an item in the inventory I destroy its instance from the world. This means that the placeholder doesn’t keep an item pointer, it just keeps the class that the items derives from!
My only suggestion if using level streaming would be to attach the placeholders to the character so that they move with him. (I will do this myself on the next update since it has several advantages - it just escaped me at the moment!) It should be trivial to implement though. Just attach to mesh when you spawn the inventory and placeholder!
Anyway, yeah, we’re not using pointers to live objects, nor hiding stuff from view. So I wouldn’t worry about level streaming!

so i have that 30 dollar credit from unreal that I would like to use to buy this but because the marketplace isnt updating your inventory system to 4.7 how do i purchase this updated one from your site with the 30 dollar credit i have in marketplace?

Hey! You can’t directly use the marketplace credits for my website, but if you do buy it from the marketplace and provide me with a receipt in my email, I’ll be glad to send you the update. Thanks.

so whats your email address?

You can see it in the content’s description in the marketplace :slight_smile:


I am trying to update my current Character BluePrint with the Inventory Functions/Variables and everything is working, but my BP is not calling “AskServerInsertItem”,“AskServerRemoveItem”, etc. on the Custom Event Commented block. I can pick up items and view inventory fine, but when I try to drop them or move them those functions don’t trigger. I noticed in your BP they trigger when I try to move/drop items. So I’m curious how are you calling these functions within the BP?

Thanks for any advice!

Hello Exreph,
First of all those functions are for multiplayer functionality and are called from UMG! (You can find where they are being called by exploring the “On Drop” functions (mostly) in the inventory UMG!
Anyway, the easier way to integrate the inventory system to an existing character (I’ve posted this somewhere before, sorry if it’s not easy to find) is to **parent *your *character ** to “MyCharacter” provided by the inventory system. (So the InventoryCharacter is the parent!)
Also make sure you remove the mesh and camera from “MyCharacter” or you will get two meshes and more issues!!
In case your character is based on first person shooter and experience movement issues you might need to check the “Use Rotation Yaw” check box on your character.


First of all - Great work, keep it up!

I would like to adapt your inventory system to survival type inventory. Like DayZ, H1Z1 or Miscreated.
Is it capable “out of box” to make wearable inventory containers like pants with couple of slots?
How can i make an item with its own use function like add health or equip to hands? I’ve found Event Use :wink:
Any documentation or tuts wolud be great!
