blueprint compile error

Can someone please help resolve the following error that i received when packaging a VR project for android?

(ETC2)): Make sure ‘BP_MotionController_C’ has been compiled for Get SteamVRChaperone
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): LogBlueprint: Error: [Compiler BP_MotionController] In use pin Target no longer exists on node Get Bounds . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source: /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Blueprints/BP_MotionController.BP_MotionController
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): LogBlueprint: Error: [Compiler BP_MotionController] In use pin Return Value no longer exists on node Get Bounds . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source: /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Blueprints/BP_MotionController.BP_MotionController
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): LogBlueprint: Error: [Compiler BP_MotionController] Could not find a function named “GetBounds” in ‘BP_MotionController’.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): Make sure ‘BP_MotionController’ has been compiled for Get Bounds from Source: /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Blueprints/BP_MotionController.BP_MotionController

Could not find a function named “GetBounds” in ‘BP_MotionController’

Pretty much tells you what the issue is. If you open the BP, does it show an error/warning in the output box in the blueprint? This may also be due to Steam VR having a chaperone system but not being available on Andriod.

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Did you find a solution ?

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The messages in the log suggests it’s using SteamVR plugin functions. The SteamVR plugin doesn’t support android, so you’d need to replace any function calls to it with functions from the generic XR library or the VR plugin for the platform you are using.

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