Hi all.
I’m struggling with a blueprint function that can change a material to a mesh by looking at it with a first person character.
I’m on an ArchViz project, and found this to be exactly what’s the effect that I’m searching for (- YouTube)
I buyed the scene and looked to the blueprint to understand how it works and tried to make the same in my scene.
The problem is that it doesn’t work.
The effect is that when you press “E” on the keyboard it activate a laser beam, then you look at an object and the material widget appear and make you choose and change the material of the mesh.
I even tried to bring one of my mesh into the original scene and duplicate the exact same function that it needs to be operational, but no luck. The laser beam is active but when I try to point to one of my object, nothing happens.
I link some images of the blueprint to let you understand what I’m talking about.
The point is that I don’t want to use box trigger on the meshes, because I want the client to look at all the apartment space and be free to look at any object and change the material from the distance.
It’s the very first time that I’m dealing with blueprints, and already searched for a solution, but I didn’t find anything useful.
Tell me if you need some more info.
Can you help me?