I created a plugin which uses OpenCV and Kinect libs. I pull depth data using Kinect SDK and process it with OpenCV functions. After which the data gets rendered into a Texture2D. In editor I have a blueprint inherited from the plugin’s c++ class, which passes the depth texture to a dynamic material as a texture parameter.
Running the game inside editor’s viewport as well as a standalone game works fine, no errors in Message and Output logs.
However if I package the game and run it, I see 2 types of errors in the log file all related to one blueprint. For example:
[2017.09.05-09.17.39:633][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: CreateExport: Failed to load Parent for BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/Blueprints/BP_KinectBillboard.BP_KinectBillboard_C
[2017.09.05-09.17.39:715][ 0]LoadErrors:Warning: Warning CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'Material': BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/Blueprints/BP_KinectBillboard.BP_KinectBillboard_C
I tried DebugGame and Development configurations, I also tried deleting the Binaries, Intermidiate, Saved folders, as some people on Answerhub suggested with similar error messages, with no success.
I’m using Launcher version of 4.16.
Attaching the full log file. Any advice on how to make the game work after packaging would be much appreciated.