Hi, some1 found a way to a change the falling speed of a character using the CustomMovementComponent ?
where are the directions on how to install this plugin? and how to use it?
Bump for some help please how do you use it
does this plugin work for AI characters?
Hi -not sure if this is a bug or I’m missing something (perhaps some blueprint examples would be nice) -but I’m trying to set up a third person pawn and even though I chose PointGravity @ the movement component I’m still not able to set a planet (from the scene/level or browser/list). Also the walk animation doesn’t seem to work regardless of the gravity mode used (I’m using the default 3rd person controls).
Any help is appreciated,
thank you in advance!
what are you trying to do, are you just tryintg to get the pawn to have 0 gravity because thats easy
do you know if we can have AI use this and walk on walls? so far my AI only sticks with the nav mesh areas
I am trying to set up a third person pawn to walk on planets. I have created a planet blueprint (from the planet actor); gave it a sphere mesh and added it to my level. As for the third person pawn -I gave it a model (the default one from Unreal) -and an anim blueprint; used the custom jump nodes and kept the walk forward controls from the example one. Now in the movement component of the third person pawn there is an option for using PointGravity and a field where you would add a PlanetObject (so that your pawn would know from which point to calculate its gravity); That said I don’t seem to be able to set any value in this field (my Planet actor appears in the list but I can’t seem to be able to select it; and I get the same result if I pick the one I’ve already added to my level). If I walk next to it nothing happens. As for my walk animation -it doesn’t seem to work either (jump/idle works fine). Perhaps that is because the planet is not set -therefore my pawn has no gravity?
Update: In case someone has the same problem -I’ve added a GetAllActorsOfClass node triggered by a EventBeginPlay to my PlanetBlueprint and I’m setting their PlanetBP that way. That said I’ve added a delay first because as it turns out this usually triggers before the Pawn is spawned/ready.
Also since there seem to be no example blueprins - for your controls make sure to use the pawn’s native functions (AddForwardMovementInput, AddRightMovementInput) and for your camera rotation AddCameraPitchInput & AddCameraYawInput.
I have 2 problems left to solve: 1 for some reason the walk animation seems to be slowed down, and 2 if the sphere is not completely smooth the character seems to jump off/detach at times. Not sure if this would still be a problem on my full scale planet since it will be much larger; but at the same time it will have its own geography as well (hills, cliffs etc).
is this just for player pawns or can the AI use this to walk on walls and such?
I think this would set the proper gravity/orientation for AI as well But I’m not sure if their navigation would work.You could test it by using MoveToLocation in your AIController (and giving them a location from your wall.
Also does anyone know if there is a LineTrace bug @Standalone server? It works fine if I’m using a Character BP but as soon as I’m switching to the ThirdPersonPawn it only works client side.
How can I adjust the turn rate in the movement component?
Edit: solved this, it was in the Class defaults section
Hello, everybody, I have a problem Problem with Forward vector movement. · Issue #11 · HoussineMehnik/UE4-CustomGravityPlugin · GitHub
Please check it out.
Thread updated : Added new content
Thank you for this. Neat potential for creative projects.
does this work online, Replicated?
did you ever learn how to do it?
Update: I just turned off the visibility on the components I did not want and selected “Is Editor Only” for the component. I’m a newbie at this, but I hope this helps!
Hey! Absolutely love this plugin! I was wondering if we could set the Custom Gravity through blueprints? I know I can set the Global Custom Gravity, but I’d like to set the gravity relative to the player / actor. That way if this was being played locally, I could have people alter their gravity for their actor/pawn and only for their own on the fly. (very new to blueprints)
Hi, can someone help me out please, I download the sample project for custom gravity and I tried it out, really great but I multiplayer doesn’t seem to work, everything works fine on the server but the logic is messed up on the client, the camera is wrong() and the character doesn’t even get attracted to the planet and just falls off and I can’t move the character for long before some glitches happens and force the character back, and the client becomes third person character for some reason.
Hi there, does work in 4.25? I downloaded the project from GitHub but when i tried to build it in VS, i got some errors.
Is there such blueprint as 3DGravitySwitcher_BP? Anyway how to make spindash and fisheye lens? Which fisheye disortion lens youtube tutorial should I follow?