Bloom problem

I have attached screenshots of bloom on certain parts of my level. It is so blinding and so large and so flickery on certain areas that it makes no sense. Here are 3 screenshots of it side by side on this 1 peice of geometry. After that i even set the bloom intensity to 0.1 and its still overly bright and blown out. The fourth screenshot shows it at 0.1 intensity…With 0.1 there virtually is no bloom at all anywhere else even though i would like there to be some. Its just these lamp posts next to the support beams are just rediculous the way they handle bloom and i have no idea how to fix it other then turning bloom completely off.

Try dialing back the emmissive power on the lamp’s material, and then bump up the bloom power. Those two values together control the amount of bloom. If your emmissive power is extremely high, you won’t have much control over it by just tweaking bloom.

The emissive power isnt very high at all… plus the bloom that is over blown is coming from the support beam that hte light is hitting as well as the edge of the lamp.

The bloom seems to happen very strong amount on the edges of geometry… like the edge of the support beam next to the light… or the very eight of the top of the light… a part that has no emissive. Glaring edges of geometry…

Is it a point light? If you have it set to inverse square falloff, and cranked up the intensity to get light out to a decent distance, that might cause the overblowing on the nearby surfaces. Easiest way to fix that particular issue is to turn the light intensity way down (like from 5000-ish down to 20-ish), and turn off inverse square falloff.

Its a spot light, not a point light , but i still tried that… still pretty messed up… turned inverse square fall off… off. And then i lowered it down to 20 intensist… and it still looks like a nuclear explosion is hitting the support beam… and its a pretty dim light that barely makes it to the wall.

Attached are 2 screenshots… 1 with these settings with bloom at 1 intensity and the other with these settings at bloom at .25 intensity… Way to blown out still!!

anyone have any info on this? Cause this is just stupid… it renders bloom in unreal engine 4 utterly useless.

Set the light source’s Min. Roughness value to a higher value. That should prevent such intense highlights caused by the light source.

That doesnt work either… here are the results of that test. the default value is more yellow like the light… the high rough ness value at 1 makes it white… .5 is no different from the original bloom yellow look. Either case bloom is still extreme.

If i go really crazy with the roughness value for hte lights… like ramp it up to 10… it just covers the entire screen… if i put it on .000001 or something liek that… it makes no difference from original.