Blocky shadows with background mesh

I’m new to UE4. To save resources, I created a cylindrical mesh and I applied a material (with Emissive and Opacity mask) by modifying an hdr . Directional light passes through the mesh, but it generates blocky shadows on the ground. (Directional light-> static / Skylight-> static).
I solved the landscape’s problem increasing the “static lighting resolution” but for the static mesh of the building I do not know what parameter to change!

any suggestions?

Sorry for my bad english


Hi there! what you are looking for in the static mesh is under the Details → Lighting tab. You can use “Overridden Light Map Res” to increase the resolution on your static mesh to match the rest of the scene.

Thank you, but I had already tried to increase that parameter, but the problem remains.

Oh, yea if its “red” like you are seeing then the lightmap resolution is probably too high and not too low. I would start by trying to lower that until they show as green to match the rest. You may also want to try going into your static mesh and checking on “Generating lightmap UVs.” If not set up correctly, it may be taking some bad UVs and generating lightmap UVs will at least help determine if this is the problem