Blocker - UEFN Skein - Fail to commit if an unsupported file is deleted from explorer

Skein needs a clean up funtion for this kind of case. This made us not be able to continue our project using Skein because there is no way to commit now.

-Enable Source Control
-Import a texture
-Convert it into a sprite
-Save all
-Open the project folder and delete the sprite manually (this was done because it can’t be seen in UEFN, so this is the only way to delete it)
-Try to commit

Skein will say that the file was not found and not commit:

Could not find ‘Plugins/Tower_Defense_INF/Content/Textures/Ground/towerDefense_tilesheet_Sprite.uasset’.

And the check in message box doesn’t show evidence of the file missing (this is a different file that is committed):

Hi @Wertandrew

Could you attach your skein logs located in here please ? : C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\skein\logs

Thank you

Actually the logs are still welcome. But my colleague mentioned this issue has a fix coming up in new future build.

I dont have logs for this project, but I did see that missing files are now treated as removed, so in theory this should be fixed now. I ll give it another go when I get some free time. Thanks

Thanks @Wertandrew !

I am having what I believe is the same issue.

I deleted texture array files from windows explorer as they are not accessible yet from UEFN.

This upset Skein.

The missing texture array files do not come up in the changelist.

Clicking submit gives these errors.

Log files:
skein_longpoll_20221218.txt (430.6 KB)
skein_piped_20221218.txt (273.1 KB)
skein_20221218.txt (1.3 KB)

Unfortunately with no admin tools there are no practical steps to recover from this and Skein has to be disabled.

This. This is why there needs to be manual control and the process not to stop the commit. Even if this issue is fixed, there will be future cases (engine updates or new file types) that will cause this again so there needs to be some sort of way to manually fix the conflicted files. Even in svn i do edits from windows explorer, because its easier sometimes

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Bumping because Cardin posted some valuable info above ^

Hey @Wertandrew , Just letting you know I am will be looking into this issue.
I will let you know once I know more.