Another blocker for skein, I cannot figure out why its not letting me commit the added textures. Even if I don’t check them out it won’t let me save and I cannot continue working if I can’t share my work.
I ll give skein another go once it is more stable, but I am switching back to svn for now.
(btw the “logs” stored folder prevents me from attaching the logs in the forums, I have to move them out and zip. Would be nice to have them included in the UEFN button that generates the zip file for the logs)
The files were not added through subversion, I just dragged them into the content browser. Here is the pack, its the png folder, just drag them all into a textures folder. (3.1 MB)
That was what I did too and it didn’t work, not entirely sure what happened, maybe I did something I cant remember. Will post more if I find anything I missed