Issue: Removing project bindings from the .uefnproject file makes it impossible to open the project.
Followed process in this post:
Evidence Image:
Evidence Video:
Note: This process will be helpful so that we can create template worlds for educators that can be used in their classrooms. This is also an issue when working in P4V between team members.
From the video I can see you left a closing curly bracket when removing the bindings. If this is how it looks like in your .uefnproject file:
Which is what I can see in the video, please try replacing all three lines with the following:
“bindings”: {}
Basically, you want to remove everything starting from “projectId” up to and including the closing curly bracket “}” of the “modules” section.
Let me know if that helps.
Thanx for getting back.
I gave it a try, though we are still having the same issue.
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This file is missing a final closing curly bracket now. If you send me the original .uefnproject file I can modify it and send it back to you.
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Thanx for helping the artist.
AssaultMap.uefnproject (650 Bytes)
Let me know if that works! If not, please send me the original file that works well and I’ll remove the bindings.
AssaultMap.uefnproject (653 Bytes)
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That worked. Thank you. I’ll compare my notes to see where the issue was.
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Glad to hear that! Basically a .uefnproject file has to be well-formatted. One of the formatting rules is that every opening curly bracket { must have a matching closing one }. Otherwise the project file will not work.
When editing the file, you want to make sure that you keep it that way. Some text editors can help you match opening and closing brackets, for example Sublime Text.
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