BLOCKER - Memory Calcultion gets stuck at 55%

When i run a memory calculation on my map, it gets stuck at 55%, and it says “Generating Locations”. My character is also in one spot, and it should be teleporting around the map when running a memory calculation.

Referance ID: 08fc55bb-4594-5bb4-e410-2eb1c696f234

Output Log:

LogValkyrie: Gathering intermediate assets to delete took 0.0 seconds
LogValkyrie: Intermediate assets cleanup took 0.0 seconds in total
LogValkyrieSummary: No active session for current user. Creating new session.
LogValkyrie: Play succeeded.
LogStreaming: Warning: Failed to read file ‘C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Fortnite/BuildInfo.ini’ error.
LogFort: Warning: Plugin ‘Ice’ was hotfixed to be disabled, but was not found. Ignored.
LogValkyrieAccount: [UValkyrieOnlineInstance::ApplyUserPreferredQoSRegion] Region Auto: NAE
LogOnlineSession: Warning: MCP: FindSingleSession request failed. Invalid response. code=404 error={
“errorCode” : “”,
“errorMessage” : “unknown session id 1fc3a8cffc2d4e1ba544e326d2c81e35”,
“messageVars” : [ “1fc3a8cffc2d4e1ba544e326d2c81e35” ],
“numericErrorCode” : 12101,
“originatingService” : “fortnite”,
“intent” : “prod-live”
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskMcpFindSingleSession bWasSuccessful: 0’ failed in 0.251416 seconds
LogFort: Warning: Plugin ‘Ice’ was hotfixed to be disabled, but was not found. Ignored.
LogValkyrieAccount: [UValkyrieOnlineInstance::ApplyUserPreferredQoSRegion] Region Auto: NAE
LogHttp: Warning: 0000048A04D36400: request was cancelled
LogHttp: Warning: Request cancelled on
LogNet: Warning: Channel name will be serialized as a string: ValkyrieBeacon
LogValkyrieSummary: Valkyrie Beacon Connected!
LogValkyrieSummary: Connected to Session: 6de1014ad69a4a76b407afea6bdf7ede
LogValkyrieSummary: Session Setup Complete. About to Send Content!
LogValkyrieSummary: Checking for if the project can be uploaded
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - Content Service
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project SurvivalRush
LogValkyrieReferencedContent: Warning: Link code Mnemonic=[3002-9262-6738] Version=[170] missing public_modules metadata
LogJson: Warning: Field url_s was not found.
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘String’.
LogJson: Warning: Field url_m was not found.
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘String’.
LogJson: Warning: Field url was not found.
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘String’.
LogValkyrie: Syncing project SurvivalRush with content service took 1.34 sec
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Selecting allow lists for role ‘VKCreateUGC’
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting to upload file for module creation
LogValkyrieSummary: Attempting to upload 1 modules:
LogValkyrieSummary: SurvivalRush
LogValkyrieSummary: Successfully uploaded 1 files for module SurvivalRush:
LogValkyrieSummary: Content/SurvivalRush.umap
LogValkyrieSummary: Uploaded 1/1 files in 0.108298 seconds
LogValkyrieSummary: Successfully created module
LogValkyrieSummary: Creating Module Version
LogValkyrie: Launching client: C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Fortnite/FortniteGame/Binaries/Win64/FortniteLauncher.exe -obfuscationid=6uzeipU23ws9DUs7T02LSaGBelsNAw -epicenv=Prod -epicapp=Fortnite -epicusername=Мickado -epicuserid=881b74a4f8bb48a6b5af1a062246945e -epiclocale=en -epicsandboxid=fn -EOSArtifactNameOverride=Prod -Res=1920x1080w -VK.JoinEditOnLaunch -epicportal -skippatchcheck -AUTH_LOGIN=unused -AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode -AUTH_PASSWORD=9e8ad9bbbcfb4d40a9ed388c93745441
LogValkyrieSummary: Launching Client using (C:/Program Files/Epic Games/Fortnite/FortniteGame/Binaries/Win64/FortniteLauncher.exe)
LogValkyrieSummary: Storing Project Snapshot
LogValkyrieSummary: Sending Content Update
LogValkyrieSummary: Calling UpdateContent on Valkyrie beacon with: ProjectId(e65f1f41-9951-4dea-9b98-739e99a37637) SnapshotId(ec051515-fd20-44df-bcb3-67f3f2fb1a40) ModuleId(d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb) ModuleVersion(344)
LogValkyrieSummary: RPCing content cook request to server: ProjectId(e65f1f41-9951-4dea-9b98-739e99a37637) SnapshotId(ec051515-fd20-44df-bcb3-67f3f2fb1a40)
LogValkyrieSummary: Project SurvivalRush up to date
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Prepare for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb: GetRootModuleInfo
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectUploadSize for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 1 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 2 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 3 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 4 on
LogHttp: Warning: Success on
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 1 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 2 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 3 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 4 on
LogHttp: Warning: Success on
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 1 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 2 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 3 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 4 on
LogHttp: Warning: Success on
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 1 on
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 2 on
LogHttp: Warning: Success on
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectCookedSize for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetDependencyDownloadSizes for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Completed for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb
LogValkyrieSummary: Server Summary - Successfully activated content on all platforms
LogValkyrie: Gathering intermediate assets to delete took 0.0 seconds
LogValkyrie: Intermediate assets cleanup took 0.0 seconds in total
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting Project Upload - Content Service
LogValkyrieSummary: Syncing project SurvivalRush
LogValkyrieReferencedContent: Warning: Link code Mnemonic=[3002-9262-6738] Version=[170] missing public_modules metadata
LogJson: Warning: Field url_s was not found.
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘String’.
LogJson: Warning: Field url_m was not found.
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘String’.
LogJson: Warning: Field url was not found.
LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Null’ used as a ‘String’.
LogValkyrie: Syncing project SurvivalRush with content service took 1.35 sec
LogValkyrieValidation: Display: Selecting allow lists for role ‘VKCreateUGC’
LogValkyrieSummary: Starting to upload file for module creation
LogValkyrieSummary: Successfully created module
LogValkyrieSummary: Creating Module Version
LogValkyrieSummary: Sending Content Update
LogValkyrieSummary: Calling UpdateContent on Valkyrie beacon with: ProjectId(e65f1f41-9951-4dea-9b98-739e99a37637) SnapshotId(ec051515-fd20-44df-bcb3-67f3f2fb1a40) ModuleId(d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb) ModuleVersion(344)
LogValkyrieSummary: RPCing content cook request to server: ProjectId(e65f1f41-9951-4dea-9b98-739e99a37637) SnapshotId(ec051515-fd20-44df-bcb3-67f3f2fb1a40)
LogValkyrieSummary: Project SurvivalRush up to date
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Prepare for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb: GetRootModuleInfo
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrieSummary: Server Summary - Successfully activated content on all platforms

For large maps there will typically be a first step where it calculates the test locations. This can take several minutes. After this it will start teleporting you around, trying out locations.
A complete memory test in the map I’m working on currently takes around an hour.

Yeah so ive done this already 10 days ago, and the memory calcuation went pretty quick and normal. But some reason, i cant get past the generating locations, it takes longer than 4 hours. Which each game session is 4 hours. So i am stuck unable to publish the map.

like cmon my map was supposed to be out yestarday morning, i have let so many people down, including myself. i have spent 12+ continuous hours trying to fix this, and i havent gotten anywhere. i am desperate, i will even pay someone. please

Hey @Mickado have you already done the Help → Report Issue flow in UEFN while experiencing this issue? That will send us logs which might help us get to the bottom of your problem.

It might also be a good idea to resave all your actors in your outliner. Select an actor, press Ctrl-A and then right click the actor and select “Save Selected Actors”.

Yes i did do that :slight_smile:

Ill give this a try.

So I dont think i linked this on this forum, but i seem to get this error a lot in my output log. And im thinking this could be the issue. I am also unable to turn on revision control and it will say “Connection error: the project directrory contains revision control data for a different project.” So something is messed up.

This is also a project that was converted from 1.0 to UEFN.

Saving did not fix the issue for me

Have you tried restarting the editor?

Yes i have. Ive restarted the editor, and my pc many times

I have also tried doing this, but got errors when i do that, so i reverted it.

I’m just trying to give you guys as much info as i can, and all the errors ive got, so i can try to narrow it down. Because its one big issue thats causing all of these things.

So i have figured out that this error may be the thing causing my problems.

“LogValkyrieReferencedContent: Warning: Link code Mnemonic=[3002-9262-6738] Version=[170] missing public_modules metadata”

So my modules code is " [d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb](javascript:)" which seems to be missing, or not linked with the UEFN project.


created: June 11, 2023 9:24 AM
updated: September 25, 2023 10:33 AM

This is also in the SurvivalRush.uefnproject file:

	"projectId": "e65f1f41-9951-4dea-9b98-739e99a37637",
		"SurvivalRush": "d9335954-4d95-1228-9270-9aac4fe96fcb"


I have all the information you need, can someone who knows about all this please help piece this together please. Im very desperate.

Following up on this thread, Mickado was able to solve the issue by removing a number of his creature spawners.


Oh thank you! I totally forgot to report back that i fixed the issue.

1 Like

Can you help me to solve this error: Randomly I got this error: Game feature 'Hermes' load failed

Help me out how you fixed it?