Blocker | Matchmaking Play - Multiple players cannot watch the same cinematic at the same time.

When trying to show a cinematic to 2 or more players using the Cinematic Sequence Device, the cinematic will only play to the first instigator, ignoring everyone else.

Settings used:

Hey @AxelCapek, you have the Cinematic Sequence Device’s Visibility set to Instigator Only. What happens if you change that to Everyone? Does it play for all other players?

Yes it would play for everyone, however this is not how I want it to function.

It should be like this:

  1. Player 1 enters cinematic that lasts 30 seconds.
  2. Player 2 enters the game after 10 seconds.
  3. Try to play the cinematic to player 2.

Issue: This will fail as Player 1 is viewing cinematic.

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Thanks for the explanation. Unfortunately this functionality is not implemented yet. We’ll let you know if that changes.

In the meantime, one possible workaround could be to place one cinematic device per player, and use Verse to pick which one to play based on the joining player.

Understood, however this should be a priority for cinematics as it creates a lot of problems.

If we imagine a standard 16 Player game with just 5 simple cinematics, that means we have to instead create 80 cinematics with accompanying devices and/or Verse script - this is A LOT of unnecessary project and device bloat. This needs a solution.

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To add to this, if a sequencer moves an object and its player instigated, the area where that object moves will cause jittering and teleportation to other players that didn’t have that sequencer get activated for them.

I agree, it is still impossible to show one cinematic for two players at the same time.

Returning Shopper here! :shopping_cart:

I would like a refund for the 240 Cinematic Sequence Devices x 24 players x 1 verse class please.

Any news on this topic? We have over 500 cinematic sequence devices in our map in order to it work as intended. (8039-8238-9814)

(We need a cinematic to run when the player receives a pet. The map can be played up to 6 players, so we need 6 (players) x ~90 (eggs) because if two players receive the same pet, the cinematic will not play.

I don’t think there has ever been any public information about intention of changing how level sequences work in that way.